Monday, January 30, 2017

Biz Winners New Look

Good morning everyone, I wanted to talk about a few of the things I've added to the site. 

First, I have made it easier for you to follow the site.  I have added a RSS link at the top right corner, for those with a Yahoo account you can subscribe to this site via your Yahoo account.  On your homepage you should be able to see any new posts under the RSS tab.  You can also be notified via email when I post something new. If you look on the right side border, you will find a box for your email address.  Enter your address in the box and you will be notified when I have a new post on the site.  Using this feature will always keep you up to date on the latest posts. 

You will also find a featured post, right now that post is the post I created giving you some background about who I am and what my philosophy is. For those folks wanting to know a bit more about me and my wagering philosophy, I would suggest that they read that post. 

I have added some links that may be of interest to some of you, they are links I visit frequently.  The Vertical is Adrian Wojnarowski's excellent site that focuses on the NBA. Scores and Odds is my go to site for a quick look at current lines and injuries. The Bloodhorse is a great resource for those interested in horse racing. Underneath the links is a listing of all previous posts I've made for those interested in looking at a previous post.

I have also constructed a poll asking all of you what features you prefer on my daily picks.  Do you like the records added after every play? Not like it?  Do you like the brief descriptions I give for each play? Or does it not really matter. Please let me know, it takes a bit of time putting in that information.  If you find it worthwhile I have no problem continuing to do so.

The picture at the top is of one of my dogs.  Rosie, nicknamed "Biz", is a little chihuahua/min pin mix that my wife and I adopted from a local rescue site when she was a puppy. Found as a stray with a horrible case of mange, the good folks at the rescue took her in and nursed her back to health. She lost her vision 4 years ago, but does just fine.  We have had her for 10 years and she is just a special little dog. I nicknamed her Biz and that name is what I used as my name at the RX and obviously use here. She is with me constantly, and when I'm writing on the blog she is usually on my lap. As well she should, its named after her.

Last thing is that I have added a PayPal button on the right side under the picture of Biz.  I have had a few people suggest I add the link, so I finally did it.  Its set at $20, so if anyone wants to send a gratuity my way that is how you can do so. If you want to send $1,000 then you have to send me $20 fifty times. I'm kidding. 

Its strictly optional, nobody has to send anything. I don't do this to make a living, I do this because I love talking about sports wagering and helping others out. For those that find value in what I do, if you appreciate the work and effort, if you find it entertaining, whatever the reason you can use that link.  I see people charging $25 a day, $75-$100 a week, and several hundred a month. Crazy.  If you choose to do so it would be greatly appreciated. 

If there is anything you would like to see on the site, anything you would like me to talk about please don't hesitate to contact me. 

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